realize your dreams

2020 - Make it a Dreams Come True Year!

I take every new beginning—birthdays, the Jewish New Year, New Years Day... as an opportunity to start fresh, and what can be a fresher opportunity than a new decade! I want to share with you my New Year’s ritual that has assisted me in fulfilling long-awaited dreams and can become your ticket to realizing your dearest dreams, too.

My ritual started back in my mid-twenties when I lived in a hippie bungalow and was at a rather stuck time of my life. On January one I would don a headband of two silver glittered stars boinging from two slender, metal springs. ( I obviously was trying to rouse the dream-fulfilling fairy.) With pen and paper in hand I’d write down my visions for the New Year phrasing them as if they were already a reality.

Many people don’t take their New Year’s resolutions seriously, with their busy lives-- out-of-sight, out-of-mind. My way of committing to fulfilling my goals is to keep my New Year’s visions in sight. After I carefully write my dearest yearned for dreams in my journal, I copy them in my favorite colored marker onto a large index card and hang them in a place I will look many times a day. Good places for me have been in the bathroom by my mirror, in my clothes closet, and above my desk.

As I say in The Affirming Way of Life: See the Good, Speak the Good, Spread the Good, “Many successful people like Suze Ormand, the financial guru, Mohammed Ali, and Lady Gaga attribute the writing of visions and the use of affirmations to creating the positive mindset that helped them achieve their goals. Immersing our mind in positive thoughts shapes our reality.”

The Process of Dream Realization

As you start this new decade, what changes do you deeply desire to bring about? Consider every level of your life and your self. Are there some personal habits you want to develop? What new good energy do you want to bring to your relationships? How do you want to become more balanced spiritually, mentally, physically, or emotionally? Is there a hobby or experiences you want for more fun? Are their changes you want to bring about for more satisfaction and success with your work?

Whatever your goals, flesh them out. If you identify them, and state them as if they already are your reality, and then daily repeat them to yourself…they will in time become your life. I know because I have been envisioning this way for over forty years and though my goals were not actualized overnight, nearly every one I’ve ever created has manifested. 

Envisioning is taking yourself and your dreams seriously. It’s believing in your capability to realize what is unseen in the present. It’s trusting that though you haven’t shown the discipline to do what you dream of yet, it is in you. Some of my dreams have been on my list for many years, and that’s OK. I know I keep evolving and bring new perspective, confidence and capability each year to my efforts to realize my dreams.

Here’s some of my visions that I’ve immersed my mind and efforts to fulfill, and I will tell you, these were originally miles from my reality:

  • I exercise regularly and feel strong and energized.

  •   Gus and I travel widely and have great fun together doing it.

  •   I write and publish a book that impacts others greatly.

  •   We live in a gracious home that is a warm gathering place for friends and family.

  Your Takeaways

  • Your visions and dreams are possible.

  • For New Year’s, write out your dearest heart-held dreams and visions.

  • Rewrite them as if they are already a reality.

  • Write or type them attractively on a card and post your vision where you will see them and repeat them daily.

  • Believe in your capability to realize your dreams, and take actions that come to you.

Wishing all my blog reader’s faith in yourself as a powerful actualizer! It’s true. I know because I used to be the furthest from that myself. Thank you for being a loyal blog reader and supporter of The Affirming Way of Life. May you and your loved ones be blessed with health, inner peace, and always lots of love! Shoin! And so it is!