A Lasting Gift to Consider for Your Holiday Lists

With the holidays around the corner, I wanted to give you a gift to consider adding to your lists. We all include things we want—an article of clothing we wouldn’t splurge on, gear for a hobby we’d like to indulge in, some new technology we have an urge for. But have you ever asked yourself how much these things contribute to your being? Sure, new clothing can boost our confidence. Gear and technology can expand our experiences and horizons, but there’s something which can do much more. Something that can have a long-lasting, life-changing effect; that lets you know how truly loved and valued you are …the gift of words.

You know how much words mean to me, my book, The Affirming Way of Life: See the Good, Speak the Good, Spread the Good is all about the gift of words. I want to share with you a holiday tradition I’ve created with my family that gives me tangible words I can revisit over and over to feel the love whenever I need a little infusion.

The Personalized Holiday Card

The holiday card, with a personal handwritten message is what really touches my heart and has staying power. When I feel the warmth, I keep cards from dear ones from every imaginable occasion. The top drawer of my night stand is stuffed with cards. I have two file boxes with tabs for all my closest people’s cards, and a basket of cards spills over next to my dresser. But the ones that I keep next to my bed, next to my heart, are the ones from my son, Theo.

From a young age I trained Theo to pick out a card that speaks to him. I said, “Your words of love and appreciation mean so much to me. One personal sentence is all I need.” (Of course I modeled it for him a bazillion times with all the cards I gave him.)

Here’s some of his messages in the cards on my nightstand that also stand in as perfect bookmarks:

          “You are the most dedicated mom, dedicated to my happiness, success, and love of life. May we spend lots of time loving our life and relationship.”

          “As my #1 backer (other than Dad) and biggest fan, thank you for being just as weird as I am and allowing me to be my true self.”

          And when I published my book: “I am incredibly proud of your amazing accomplishment. You’ve demonstrated perseverance and stick-to-itiveness which will influence my sense of self for years to come. Thank you for being such a strong, hardworking, successful mom. “

The material things Theo has given me, I barely associate with him, but his written words that I read over and over, are priceless. His cards and words fulfill me deeply. They show me my efforts have had the impact I hoped for and so much more.

Give a Card From Your Heart

  • Who do you want to give a card from your heart to?

  • What do you appreciate about your dear ones especially this year?

  • What are you proud of them for?

  • Is there someone who made a huge difference in your life that may not even realize it?

The gift of our words brings such great joy. Heartfelt words not only create a lasting gift, they make our brains happier too. Neuroscientists Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman in Words Can Change Your Brain, talk about how positive words can change our brains built in negativity. Over time, the thalamus—which controls sensing—changes the way we see reality, for the better.

Why not add cards with messages from your heart to your holiday list. Written words last and can be revisited over and over to feel the love!