““Affirming words exponentially multiply the love and closeness we share with those who mean the most to us.””
The words you speak can become your most powerful tool for creating warm-hearted, loving relationships.
Too often we lose touch with the gift our words can bring — or the harm they can cause. By making a surprisingly simple shift, you can literally transform the way you communicate.
The result? Greater happiness, stronger relationships, deeper fulfillment.
Let Gail Siggelakis show you how, with her easy-to-use four-step approach. Through heartfelt personal stories and research-backed strategies, you will learn the secret to fulfilling relationships on all levels.The Affirming Way of Life will help you unlock the power to infuse new energy into your relationships, one conversation at a time.
See Gail in her most recent interview.
Beyond writing books, Gail is a certified Life Coach.
She helps her clients develop the positive mindset and relationship skills they need to Unleash their Positive Possibilities.
If you’d like to learn more about Gail’s coaching services or how you can Unleash Your Own Positive Possibilities, click this button to go to her coaching services page.
For even more information you can visit her coaching website www.UPPcoach.com